Author Archives for Erica Holdridge

How To Be The Don Draper of Science

What is the first word that comes to mind when you hear the word “marketing”? Probably not “science”.

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A Literal Rainy Day Fund

China may have found a single solution to drought and flooding. And it comes with a number of other benefits!

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A Punch Line with a Purpose

Is there a place for humor in communicating serious scientific research?

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Cartoon the Classics: Hutchinson (1965) and Pimentel (1961)

The Ecological Theater and the Evolutionary Play

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Grad School Interviews: The ONE Thing You Need To Know

You got an interview at the perfect graduate program and you are willing to do whatever it takes to impress them into thinking you’re an outstanding candidate so they will give you an offer. Pause: this is where you should rethink your reasoning….

Posted in Blog Posts, Featured, Graduate School

Convergent Evolution of Thought

Are big ideas inevitable?

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Two Heads Are Better Than One

Watson and Crick, Lennon and McCartney, peanut butter and jelly! Do all great things come in pairs?

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Does One Bad Paper Spoil the Bunch?

Does a small percentage of papers that a retracted for misconduct reduce public trust in science as a whole?

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Make Room for Bayes in Your Statistical Toolbox

This isn’t middle school gym class and you don’t have to pick sides. Be a Bayesian or a frequentist as it suits your data.

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Research Away from Home

There is no foolproof way of going about an out-of-town research trip, but some planning and preparedness can certainly help!

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